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Environmental Management in Centrelink



As stated in its Environmental Policy Statement, Centrelink:

“Improves its business performance and conducts its operations in an environmentally responsible manner, clearly reflecting a commitment to fostering the sustainable use of the Earth’s resources.”

During 2007-08, Centrelink continued to demonstrate environmental responsibility by minimising the negative impacts it has on the environment through efficient use of resources and effective waste management. Centrelink’s decision-making processes effectively integrate long-term and short-term economic, environmental, and social considerations, and promote incentive mechanisms to suppliers.

Centrelink’s environmental policy statement, Ministerial Statement of Intent and the Eco-efficiency and Green Procurement Chief Executive Instructions all provide documentary evidence of the organisation’s commitment to ecologically sustainable development (ESD).

Environmental Management System (EMS)

Centrelink uses a corporate EMS as its framework for facilitating continuous environmental performance improvements. Centrelink recognises the importance of its EMS in driving environmental performance improvements and is committed to robustly applying its procedures. By taking this approach, Centrelink is assured that its corporate EMS meets the environmental management needs of the organisation.

EMS Application and Enhancement

Centrelink applies its corporate EMS procedures on an annual basis, resulting in the production of annual registers that describe Centrelink’s:

  • Legal and other environmental obligations,
  • Significant environmental aspects and impacts,
  • Impact reduction objectives, targets and performance indicators,
  • Impact reduction program plans, and
  • Impact monitoring, measuring and system review plans.

At the end of each EMS cycle, an EMS Management Review is conducted that reviews the system’s suitability to manage Centrelink’s environmental risks and the effectiveness of environmental management activities. This information then forms the basis for the next cycle of EMS procedural application, ensuring that future actions benefit from lessons learnt in previous cycles.

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